



How to learn a foreign language

21 Jul 2018


作者: Paul Pimsleur



Paul Pimsleur’s Life & Career

His research focused on understanding the language acquisition process, especially the learning process of children, who speak a language without knowing its formal structure. The result of this research was the Pimsleur language learning system. Through this research, he identified three factors that could be measured to calculate language aptitude: verbal intelligence, auditory ability, and motivation. He was one of the first foreign language educators to show an interest in students who have difficulty in learning a foreign language while doing well in other subjects.

Paul 的研究集中于理解语言习得过程,尤其是儿童的学习过程,他们能在不知道语言正式结构的情况下使用语言。他总结出一套自己的语言学习系统,通过研究,他提出了识别语言天赋的3个可测因素:表达能力,听觉能力,以及动机。 它是早期展示出对能学好除外语以外科目的学生的兴趣的语言教学者之一。

The “Whys” of Language Learning

How a person does with languages in grade or high school provides virtually no indication of how he might fare trying to learn them as an adult. But one must overcome powerful misgivings in many cases. How does one do this? And how does one master a language? Why would one want to learn a language? How long should it take? How should one go about it? These are the prime questions to which this book addresses itself.

中学时期的外语学习经历可能对你成年后的外语学习毫无指导意义,但在多数情况下我们必须克服大量的障碍。如何做到这一点? 一个人应该如果掌握一门语言? 为什么我们想要学外语? 需要多长时间? 如何着手学习? 这些都是这本书主要回答的问题。

1. Everyone Can Learn Another Language

Intelligence - 智力

According to reliable studies, only about 16 percent of what it takes to learn a foreign language is attributable to intelligence-at least as defined by IQ tests.


Doing well in languages, like doing well at business, politics, or love, calls for more than the type of intelligence that makes you successful in school. It demands qualities like persuasiveness, sensitivity, gaiety, and perseverance, which IQ tests make no attempt to measure.


Musical Ability - 音乐才能


Language Talent and You - 语言天赋以及自身


Discouragement, frustration, and fatigue produce a tremendous impulse to give up before one gets far enough for competence to bring its own reward. The best defense against this is to know before starting exactly what you want to accomplish and why.


Why Learn a Foreign Language? - 为什么学第二语言


I think the best answer to “Why learn a foreign language?” is that it may make one’s life richer. Not only after one knows it, but even during the learning. That languages take time to learn becomes a plus instead of a drawback when one considers how such a long-range commitment gives focus and continuity to a period of one’s life. Viewed as a decision to fill a stretch of time with stimulating, purposeful activity, the undertaking of learning a foreign language can be a delightful voyage full of new expressions and ideas. One is glad to go slowly and savor the trip, especially when there are no judges to satisfy other than oneself.

2. When Is a Language Easy to Learn?

Contrary to what most people believe, pronunciation is not the hardest feature of a language to master. Nor is grammar. A language-any language-has three distinct components: pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. A closer look at these components will reveal that the third is the most difficult to master.


Pronunciation - 发音

人类拥有共同的发音器官,能发出的音也受同样的生理限制。一种语言的发音构成不可能太过复杂,不然听的人会很费力。世界上任何一种语言的发音都不会低于 夏威夷土语(15种)的数量,也不会高于 高加索语(60种),多数介于二者之间,比如英语就由31种发音构成。且绝大多数语言中难以模仿的发音都少于12个。相对于语法和词汇,发音是相对容易的部分。

Relatively speaking, pronunciation poses less of a learning challenge than grammar or vocabulary.

Grammar - 语法


The basic grammar of a language can generally be explained, with copious examples, in fewer than one hundred pages.


Vocabulary - 词汇

Words, words, words. It takes about fifteen hundred of them for a “basic” command of a language and perhaps five thousand to be really fluent. This is a challenge to anyone’s learning ability, however gifted he may be.


Which Are the “Easy” and “Hard” Languages? - 最容易学和最难学的语言

这个排名的数据来源是,the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State(美国国务院外交学院),这个机构专门训练那些需要到世界各地任职的外交官和其他政府雇员。


3. How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language?

‘Learn a Language’ 是一个很不准确的描述。对于掌握一门语言来说,从会说几个单词到如母语般精通,中间有很多个层级。即使’如母语般精通’也是个很模糊的描述,同样使用母语,不同的人水平的差别也可能是巨大的。


The FSI Rating Scale - 基于FSI的分级标准

Many U.S. government agencies use the FSI Absolute Language Proficiency Ratings to measure a prospective employee’s ability to use a foreign language in his work.

FSI 有一个叫 FSI绝对语言熟练度排名 标准来考量准雇员在工作中使用外语的情况。具体分为了5级:


容易学的语言     难学的语言  
训练周期 熟练程度   训练周期 熟练程度
8周 240小时 1\1+   12周 360小时 1\1+
16周 480小时 2   24周 720小时 1+/2
24周 720小时 2+   44周 1320小时 2/2+/3

上面的数据基于FSI特定类型的训练: 高强度的每天6小时,每周5天,班级成员小于10,由老道的语言学家和受过良好训练的本地教官教学。这种学校是学习语言的天堂,而且学生都高度积极,乐观。但对于我们大多数人来说不可能有这种条件,我们很多人只能参加一次45分钟,一周两三天的普通课程。

人的注意力资源是有限的,一天6小时高强度的训练中必然有一部分是用于’必要的浪费’的, 比如休息,白日梦,整理思路等。而且人脑吸收和固化知识是需要周期的,有些知识需要一段时间后才能真正’学懂’,而这对于我们没有条件参加集中高强度训练的人来说是个有时。从总体时间来看,将学习时间分散到很长一段时期内也许需要的时间更少。


Alternative Goals - 其他可能的目标


The “courtesy and necessity” speaking level - 基本礼节水平


Reading only - 阅读需求


However, you should not expect your reading skill to help you if you later decide to learn to speak. Speaking and reading are two very different activities, and though reading builds vocabulary, it may actually damage pronunciation.

Balanced competence - 均衡发展水平


Educated mastery - 教育级精通


Some people are dismayed by time estimates that run to hundreds of hours. They feel that this is more time than they are willing to commit. They should reflect on the fact that one year from today they will be one year older whether they undertake this learning task or not. The only question is whether, on that day, they are going to be well along toward mastering the language they have dreamed of knowing, or whether it will still be only a dream.


4. Which Language Should You Select?

When actress Ingrid Bergman, who knew five languages, was asked which she preferred, she replied: “English for acting, Italian for romance, French for diplomacy, German for philosophy . . . and Swedish for secrecy, because so few people know it.

女演员 Ingrid Bergman 懂5种语言,当她被问及最喜欢哪种时她回答:用英语表演,意大利语负责浪漫,法语用于外交,德语用于哲学…瑞典语用来保密,因为很少的人懂这门语言。

If you have very strong motives for learning some particular language, you may want to skip the following discussion of the hard and easy points of various languages, for a strong desire to learn can override all other considerations.


5. Learning the “Tricks of the Trade”

讲述了一个会29种语言的人是如何学习各种外语的。作者’会’ 这个词是个很具误导性的词,很多人可能只会说几句日常用语,而其他人就视其为’会’这门语言。


6. Organic Learning



How to recognize a good teacher - 如何识别一个好的老师

Teachers are paid professionals. They should be judged, at least in part, the cost-accounting way: by output per unit of time. A student is entitled to ask whether the hours he spends in the language class are giving him a fair return in usable language skills.


7. The Words and the Music

One way to begin is by imitating, in English, the accent of the language you have chosen. It is like learning the music of a song first, so you can later concentrate completely on the words.


Trust your ear - 相信你的耳朵

Many people, even many teachers, fall prey to the fallacy that the written form of a language is the language itself. Such teachers then make the error of teaching from the written to the spoken language, instead of vice versa.


Pierre Delattre, a respected authority on languages and language teaching, explains why this is wrong.

It appears that the basic error in language teaching methods is one of order. We put the cart before the horse. We use the eye before we use the ear; we take up writing before we take up speaking; we teach reading before we teach pronouncing; we study the rules before we study the examples; we concentrate on quantity before we concentrate on quality. In all this, our error is that we go against the facts of language. A language is first of all “speech”-a system of sounds transmitted directly from mouth to ear and produced by automatic reactions of the speech organs. The functioning of those automatic reactions depends on the linguistic habits of the speaker, and it is the acquisition of those habits that must come first.

Language, as Delattre says, is above all speech, not writing: a language that is not spoken is called “dead.” If you will trust your ear, you are almost certain to speak with a good accent. Conversely, if you trust your eye alone, your accent may be a poor one.

Pierre Delattre 是一位受人尊敬的语言和语言教学的权威,他如此描述这种错误:

语言教学中一个基本的错误之一就是顺序上的错误。我们把车放到了马的前面。将眼睛置于耳朵之前;将写作置于说话之前;将阅读教学置于发音教学之前;将规则置于实例之前;将数量置于质量之前。所有这些,都与语言的实际相悖。一种语言最开始完全是 ‘说’ 的系统,这个系统直接将信息从嘴传到耳朵,引发发声器官的自动反应。这些自动反应功能依赖于说话者的语言习惯,而这些习惯的获得才是第一位的。

如 Delattre 所说, 语言, 最重要的部分是说,而不是写: 一种不被’说’的语言是死亡的。如果你相信自己的耳朵,几乎可以确信你能有好的口音。反过来,如果你只相信你的眼镜,你的口音就会很糟糕。

Short-range objectives

Learning a foreign language is like filling a bucket from a slow-running tap. If you keep looking in to see if it is full, you grow more and more impatient.



The “Hows” of Language Learning


8. How to Practice Pronunciation

The music of a foreign language is different from the words.


Think sounds, not letters - 对声音做出反应,而不是文字

Probably the biggest impediment to good pronunciation is picturing how a word is written while saying it. The written letters are associated in our minds with English sounds. Consequently, these English sounds rise automatically to our lips instead of the foreign ones, and we must spend part of our energy in combatting this tendency. There is nothing hard about saying the French word for “son,” which is pronounced “feess”-until you see it written down: fils.

或许练好发音最大的障碍就是在说一个单词的时候在脑中脑补这个单词是怎么写的。而对于我们的母语,发音和文字是联系在一起的。作为结果,这些英文发音会自动从我们嘴里冒出而不像使用外语那样,我们必须花费精力来纠正这种分离的倾向。我们可以毫不费力的发出法语中’儿子’的音 feess 而在看到它之前我们根本就不用知道他的拼写是 fils.

Never look at the letter r - 永远不要盯着字母r看

英语中r的发音相对其他语言舌头更卷,英语母语着如果在学外语的时候看着r, 会让发音学习更难。

The correct learning sequence - 正确的学习顺序

The correct learning sequence is this: listen carefully to get the sound firmly planted in your ear; then gradually imitate it with your tongue. Do not use your eye till you have the pronunciation down pat.


The longer a word, the harder - 音节越多发音越难


Start from the end - 反向练习发音


Instead of saying na-, then -cio-, and so on, you should begin at the end instead. Say -dad, then -lidad, etc.

Work with a model - 找到好的模仿对象


Use a tape recorder - 使用声音记录设备


Sample pronunciation drills - 跟读模仿训练


Every sounds is important - 每个发音都很重要


Shoot all problems on sight - 留心所有问题


Don’t practice single sounds - 不要练习单个发音


Think in sound-clusters - 以意群为单位思考

Each sound is a little different depending on its setting, because of the way the tongue must glide from one sound to the next.


You might say each word authentically and yet be unable to glide them together with a native-like accent. One must practice the glide as well as the sounds.


Practice whole phrase, not words - 练习词组而不是单词

In real life, a string of words like “I don’t know” or “Not on your life” is said as though it were a single word, in one breath-group, without pausing. Similarly, if you stop to take a breath in the middle of a foreign phrase that should be said in a single burst, you are not saying it correctly; you even risk being incomprehensible. Most people think of language as a collection of single words, perhaps because dictionaries are arranged in one-word entries. But what is convenient in a dictionary actually does violence to the reality of language. In practicing pronunciation, it is best to think in terms of word-clusters and to practice the language that way.

在实际生活中,像’I dont know.’ 或 ‘Not on your life.’ 这样的句子在表达时就像是一个单词一样一呼即出,没有停顿。类似的,你学外语时如果在那些应该一气呵成的表达之间有所停顿,那么就是不正确的,而且这很可能导致你语义理解上的错误。大多数人将语言理解成独立单词的集合,这或许是因为字典就是这样排版的。但字典这种方便查找的方式却是违背语言本质的。练习发音,最好是基于意群来练习和理解。

Mastering a difficult sound - 熟练掌握难发的音

The important thing in mastering a difficult sound is to listen very intently, trying to discover what gives it its distinctive quality. Good pronunciation, as I have tried to explain, begins not in the mouth but in the ear.


Invite a friend to make fun of you - 邀请一个朋友来拿你寻开心


If you block, stop - 如果你卡住了,停下来


Diffucult sounds in each languages are few in number - 每种语言中难发的音都不多


When to say ‘the hell with it’


A person’s minimal goals should be: (1) to learn all the sounds of the foreign language so as not to risk saying one word for another, and (2) to speak the language with an inoffensive accent. Beyond that, the desire to possess a perfect accent must be weighed against the amount of practice and attention needed to obtain it.


9. How to Master Grammar



The emphasis should be on communication, and if your teacher does not put it there, then you must do it for yourself.


How much grammar is there? - 语法知识有多少?

This is a legitimate question for someone undertaking a language to ask, so he can size up the total task before he starts. The rather encouraging answer is that all the grammar a person ever needs to know is covered in a typical year-long college course (two years in high school). After that, further courses merely repeat the same grammar in more complex sentences-sentences that become more literary as you advance, that is, further and further from normal speech.


“Generative” Grammer - 生成语法

The grammarian is mainly concerned with the orderliness and internal consistency of his analysis-not its teachableness. Hence, grammar is usually presented in a manner that violates the psychological learning principles mentioned in this book: anticipation, organic learning, the “need to know.



Fear of grammer - 对语法的恐惧

The word “grammar” strikes terror into many people’s hearts, yet in reality the basic grammar of a language is reasonably easy to master. Grammar holds no terror for a three-year-old child as he learns his native language, because he assimilates it unconsciously, intuitively. Like bike-riding or roller-skating, one way to master grammar is by “feel,” with very little verbalization of rules. This is a viable alternative (or adjunct) to learning grammar by rules and examples, and since it is less familiar, I want to expound a little on how this intuitive approach works.

语法这个词很容易引发人们心中的恐慌,但实际上语法基础是很容易被掌握的。一个三岁小孩对语法就毫无畏惧,因为他能无意识地,直觉式地吸收和领会。就像汽车和滑冰,一种掌握语法的方式是’感觉’, 只需要很少的口述的规则。这是一种变通的(或者辅助的)通过规则和例子来学习语法的方式,但这是一种对我们来说不那么熟悉的方式,我想阐释一下这类直觉式的学习方式。

Grammar through the ear - 经由耳朵的语法学习

Pierre Delattre 曾做过一个实验,让两组学生学习语法规则,一组通过教授语法规则来学习,一组通过听录音来学习,结果是第二组能更轻松地吸收语法习惯,他们能在语义分析的背景下将看起来十分复杂的问题轻松化解。 借用音乐上的类比,他说通过规则学习语法就像经过一个听过某支曲子的人向你解释曲子的旋律那样,是一种二手信息传递。而直接通过谈话或录音学习,就像直接听那首曲子一样。这是唯一完全和准确理解语法的正确方式。

Grammar through oral practice - 通过口头练习学习语法


作者曾做过与Pierre Delattre类似的通过口头练习传授语法的实验,实验分为实验组和对照组,以代词为学习对象。

实际实验中实验组进行了两次约30分钟的课程,他们使用录音学习,首先重复练习30个包含代词的句子。然后会进行一系列’模式练习’–比如磁带中会说’I receive the package’, 然后暂停,学生需要回复’I receive it.’。这类句子的复杂度会慢慢提高。在两次30分钟左右的课里他们大概听和说了100多个包含代词的不同结构的句子。



这种’正确的语感’通过长期的适应根植在每一个母语使用者脑中,能让他们遇到错误的句子时立即识别出来。外语学习者也需要发展这种’感觉’, 而最直接的获得这种能力的途径就是广泛的口头练习。很多老师也惊讶于这个实验结果,他们确信这种口头练习方式可以作为语法教学的替代方式或者作为传统方式很好的补充或辅助手段。

Anyone can provide his own oral practice by using a tape or cassette recorder. What one needs to know is how to “program” a language exercise.

By following a simple principle, one can turn a tape recorder into a sophisticated “teaching machine.” I call this principle “anticipation” because the learner must anticipate the correct response; he must say it himself before the tape says it.



Anticipation - 预判

最好的教学方式是:1 提出问题; 2 学习者回答问题; 3 播放正确回答。


It is novelty that sparks the mind to attention; we perk up our ears at the unexpected. According to one internationally recognized neurophysiologist, H. W. Magoun, the known facts about the workings of the brain “plainly imply that repetition is the first law, not of learning, but of habituation, whose influence upon learning is a negative rather than a positive one. Obviously, the promotion of novelty rather than of repetition should become the primary law of learning.

新奇的事物可以吸引注意力,意料之外的事物能使我们振奋。著名神经生理学家H. W. Magoun提出,已知的关于大脑工作的事实是”认为重复是第一律对于学习来说是有消极作用的。很显然相对重复而言,新奇才应该成为学习的第一律。” 将这个理论转化为一个学习公式就是’预判’原则中的三个步骤。

CUE - PAUSE - RESPONSE - 提示:暂停:回答

利用 1 提问; 2 预判+回答; 3 播放正确答案 规则设计练习。

Cue: Are you going to the movies today? (PAUSE)

Response: No, I went yesterday.

Cue: Is your sister going to Europe this year? (PAUSE)

Response: No, she went last year.

大约10个这样的对话可以构成一个’模式练习’, 两个这样的模式练习就可以让你熟悉 ‘to go’ 这种语法结构。

随着你的进步,你的练习要随之变得复杂,但这里的复杂指的不是用更长的句子,而是将不同的语法点混入同一个句子中。比如将过去式的知识点和之前的’to go’融合在一起,这样在熟悉的语法结构上增加了意料之外的元素。关键点是能冒出’新奇’的东西,这种新奇感能加速学习。这种方式可用作为学习语法的主要手段,但很多老师因为觉得麻烦而不愿使用。

Pronouns - 代词

The principle is simple enough: make up cues that will force you to use pronouns in the answer.



Verbs - 动词


I urge you to do this even at the risk of making some mistakes. Your eventual goal, after all, is to have in your mind a grammatical schema that will enable you to “generate” utterances in the foreign language. Mistakes are inevitable and unimportant, for this schema is a living, growing organism, and will be fleshed out, modified, and improved as you gain further knowledge of the language.



I prefer to assume instead, like Zorba the Greek, that “life has no exceptions.” A living language, like a living person, must be accepted as is, without prejudging how it is going to behave.

我不赞成这种划分,就像电影”Zorba the Greek”中的台词 “生活没有例外”。一种活的语言,就像一个活的人,必须被如实地接受,不应带有’他应该如何行为’的先入之见。



动词们有一个明显的分布模式: 一些常见的动词(be, do, go …) 占据了绝大多数的动词出现次数分布。 这些动词几乎都是’不规则的’,也就是他们常在人们的舌边,因此他们的演化速度也更快。这些关键动词概念有:

 1to be
 2to have
 3to be able
 4to come
 5to go
 6to know
 7to take
 8to want
 9to say or tell
10to do or make
11to see
12to give





What you, as the learner, can do is to construct your own grammar in accordance with your own needs, taking the facts you learn in class or in your book and putting them together to suit your particular learning style.

I urge you to do this even at the risk of making some mistakes. Your eventual goal, after all, is to have in your mind a grammatical schema that will enable you to “generate” utterances in the foreign language. Mistakes are inevitable and unimportant, for this schema is a living, growing organism, and will be fleshed out, modified, and improved as you gain further knowledge of the language.


我强烈建议你怎么做,即使冒着会犯错的风险。 毕竟你的最终目的是在脑中构建出自己的一套语法结构(模型),以支持你用这门外语进行表达。 犯错是不可避免的,也是不重要的,而这个语法模型是动态的,不断自然增长的,并且会随着你语言知识地增加被不断充实,修改和改善。

Learn the hardest thing firts - 先学最难的



前面代词的例子提供了很好的例证,一次一个砖头的理论让我们先单独学不同类型的代词,最后将他们综合起来。 但实际情况是句子中有多个代词的情况学习起来更容易。同样的一个句子中有2个以副词的情况(The horse ran exceptionally fast)比只有1个副词的的情况更容易学,虽然需要多花一点精力,但是多个副词的情况更有趣。

The simple-to-complex procedure is psychologically backward; one expends fresh energy on simple things and is fatigued by the time the complex ones arrive. The net result is often a sense of discouragement.

‘由简入繁’的过程在从心理学角度来看是反向的; 一个人将新鲜的能量用在了简单的事情上,而在当事情变得复杂的时候却进入了疲乏阶段。 最后的结果通常是感到挫败灰心。

Gender - 性别


10. How to Learn Vocabulary


Urgency - 紧迫感


Don’t just repeat - 不要单纯的重复

好的词汇学习策略是’刺激 + 回应’,在特定情境中通过表达来唤起词汇记忆,这种方法优于重复背诵。但重复的方法也不是一无是处,比如重复练习可以改善发音。

If the key to learning is not repetition, what is it? Earlier, I said it was novelty. Now I want to explain how novelty is achieved through randomization.

如果学习的关键不是重复,那是什么? 之前我说过,是新奇感。现在我想阐释一下如何通过随机化来制造新奇感。

Randomization - 随机化

通常我们是从字母A学到Z, 从1,2,3开始学到100, 从星期一学到星期天,并且不断按顺序重复学习过的内容。

However, some things should be learned out of order-or, more precisely, in random order. Because that is how we encounter them in life.


Most important is to avoid the “serial order effect”-the cumbersome business of mentally flipping through a whole list till you get to the item you need.

这么做的最重要原因是避免’顺序效应’–当我们想拿到清单中间某个单项时,需要从头部开始查询,直到查到需要的那个。比如你想说 six 的时候,你要回忆完 one two three four five 才能想起 six 怎么说。

Knowledge is best when it is free-floating in the mind, available to be recalled at any time, in any order. Learning a list by rote may be a first step-it enables you to drill while walking down the street. But rote practice gives only the illusion of learning, since it does not lead to random command. Practice in random order, though it may appear to take longer, actually economizes time in the long run and provides the most dependable recall. It has been shown that five repetitions randomly spaced have more effect on long-term retention than several times that many done by rote.


Use flash card - 使用闪卡



Vary the English side - 多样化母语解释


1夜晚 -- night
2白天 -- day
3快乐的 -- happy

这样一边是母语,一边是外语,但这不应该是flash card的制作形式。有两个原因

因此flash card应该是这样的:

1我晚上从来不出门 -- I never go out at night.
2晚安 -- Good night.
3我昨晚睡得很差 -- I slept badly last night.

将这些卡片打乱学习,一旦你可以用’英语思维’调用’night’,那么你就在特定语境中对 ‘night’ 有了更丰富的理解。

Program your memory - 编码你的记忆


I maintain that a student’s memory is largely the teacher’s responsibility. This is a novel notion, for most people believe that memory is a private matter and that if a person forgets what he has learned it is no one’s fault but his own. I will explain what I mean.


There is a program, which I call “graduated interval recall.” Here is how it works.

我给出的方法是’渐进式间隔记忆’。让我们模拟一个情景,当你新学习了一个单词比如’simultaneously’, 尝试重复几次之后,你现在能记住他了,接着你转而做其他事去了,5分钟后回来你试图回忆这个单词,你发现你完全记不得了,这时你便会觉得沮丧和失望。但这样记忆你大概不需要5分钟,可能1分钟之后你就忘记了。但如果在你第一次记住之后的5秒后,你回顾(回忆)一次这个单词,然后在30秒的时候再回顾一次,你很可能就能让他在你的记忆中留存更长时间。通过这样安排学习过程,可以让你用最少的时间花费达到最大记忆留存时间。


Graduated Interval Recall Schedule

Follow the natural frequencies - 跟随自然的频率

One of the quickest and surest ways to pick up foreign vocabulary is through reading. There is a richness of association in reading, which aids the memory, and “organic” learning is facilitated by the natural progression of word frequencies.


As you read, the words you notice first are automatically the most frequent, most useful words: they appear most often. These are the words to learn first, skipping over other, less frequent words for the moment.




Passing the hump - 越过山丘

Let us take a hypothetical foreign person learning to read English. 设想我们有一个假想的外国人在学习用英文阅读。如果按照我之前推荐的按照出现频率高低的优先级来学习词汇,那么学会100个词汇之后,那么普通英语文章中有50%的词汇对于他来说都是熟悉的了。

让我们看看上一段中开头的’Let us take …’ 这个句子。这个句子中总共有11个单词,其中的5个(us, take, a, to read)在最常出现的200词当中。 有3个(let, person, English)大概可以排在500个最常出现的词中,有2个(learning, foreign) 可以排在前2000个里面。只有一个单词 hypothetical 是一个很少出现的词。在一个词频分析研究中,这个词只在500万个单词中出现了1次。


1100  -- 50%
2500  -- 67%
31000  -- 75%
43000  -- 85%
55000  -- 98%

但要注意75%熟悉词汇不代表你可以完全理解所有英文文本中的75%, 而是说通常情况下有大部分单词是你熟悉的,你仍然不能完全理解你读到的每一个句子,你仍然需要查单词,只不过随着词汇量增加,你查词的频率会下降。

However, our hypothetical foreigner will clearly not be reading fluently as long as he still must look up every fourth or fifth word he meets. Reading will not cease being drudgery until he can read at least a few sentences without reaching for a dictionary. What we want to know is when this crossover point, this “hump,” may be reached.


Guessability - 可猜测性

当你积累了一定量的单词和有一定关于词汇的一般知识后,有些陌生单词的意思是可以才猜出来的,比如你学过 leader 会后遇到 leadership, 知道 occupy 之后遇到 occupation, 等。这也是词汇学习中的一个山丘,不同语言的可猜测性可能会有所不同。

Passing the “Hump” in German - 越过德语的山丘


但熟悉90%的词汇对于阅读来说也并不是太流畅,因为平均而言你读9个词就要查一个词。真正使得德语相对容易的是当你努力学好那些基础词汇后,其他的词都’很好猜’, 而且不容易猜错。德语学习的山丘大概在500-2000词之间,而这些词中很多词都与英语有些类似,这也能降低学习难度。

Passing the “Hump” in French - 越过法语的山丘


1掌握的法语词汇 ------------ 能猜对的法语词汇比例
3500      ------------     35%
41000     ------------     50%
52000     ------------     60%
63000     ------------     70%
74000     ------------     75%
85000     ------------     80%


These patterns of German and French vocabulary point to certain general conclusions about learning vocabulary in the Teutonic and Romance languages: (1) Learn the commonest words first because they will accelerate your guessing power; (2) begin reading as soon as you have learned five hundred to a thousand common words; (3) pick reading material that interests you strongly and continue to learn words following the natural frequencies.




11. Beyond the Spoken Word

The Silent Language - 无声的语言


Role-playing - 角色扮演


Psychologist Carl Rogers, in his inspiring book Freedom to Learn, says, “I find that one of the best, but most difficult, ways for me to learn is to drop my own defensiveness, at least temporarily, and to try to understand the way in which his experience seems and feels to the other person.” The willingness to risk dropping one’s own identity may be the crucial factor that enables certain people to learn a foreign language like a native.

心理学家 Carl Rogers 在他充满启发的书《Freedom to Learn》 中写到 “我发现在我自己的学习过程中最难的,也是最好的学习策略就是放下防备心理,并以学习对象的视角来思考和感受,即使只是暂时这么做。” 冒着风险放下自己的身份可能是语言学习过程中让你达到本土水平的最关键因素。

Handling embarrassing moments - 化解尴尬时刻

在希腊遇到的尴尬时刻:去报停买报纸,问过对方有没有想要的刊物后,对方点头了,但没后后续行动;去租公寓遇到大楼管理员也是同样的情况,点头了,但是没有后续行动;一天之内遇到三次这样的情况。最后才知道在希腊,点头是 ‘No’ 的意思。

Keep quiet - 保持安静

Keep talking - 保持谈话

Take it on the chin - 无怨无悔地承受

以上三条: 学习什么时候应该保持安静,什么时候应该保持对话。在国外(其实你在自己国家也一样)肯定难免会遇到尴尬时刻,自然接受就好。

Keeping the Waitress Waiting - 让服务员等待

讲述一对夫妻出国由于迫于怕让餐厅服务员等太久的压力,每次都在没搞清菜单前匆匆点餐的的故事。告诉我们出国时作为外国人,感到压力和弱势是自然的倾向,但不论你外语说得多烂,也要保持镇定与风度。学会说 “I’m not ready to order yet” 或者 “Come back in five minutes” 这一类的词,不要屈从于尴尬或难堪的感觉,即使你只是一个结巴的外国人。

Picking up clues - 寻找学习的线索


Getting to know you - 认识自己

One reason, perhaps the biggest, why people travel to foreign countries is that they want to understand themselves better though understanding others. We may find out who we are and how we got to be that way by observing people who have been molded differently by another environment. The contract is sharpest where the country’s social and political system departs most from our own. For many Americans, this is the fascination of a trip to Russia.



这告诉我们并没有一个通用的原则或者态度能应对所有情况,各地文化、社会、政治情况、习俗都不同,甚至在同一个国家的不同区域都是不同的,更实际地说就算在同一个城市里也会遇到行事风格迥异的人。因此”永远保持友好谦恭” 并不是一条通用准则,但这并不是鼓励莽撞和强势的言行,我们应该视情况调整自己的策略。