The realization

There’re tons of health apps, why should I use this one? What special about Hyllo? The answer is nothing special, nothing it can help, nothing will change – if you don’t want to.

The fact: Most of us will come to a moment when we realize the importance the very few basic aspects of our life, either by told or by going through bad experiences, or both, not to say all the surging scientific evidence.

Many health theories derived from researches such as sleep monitoring, various diet and exercise suggestions. If you had tried some, you’d had a taste about how affordable, sustainable, and convenient are these methods.

The responsibility: What’s the major factor that determines one’s living habit? Luck. Yes, it’s luck. In about the first 20 years of our life, what we eat, where and how we sleep, how much exercise we do are largely determined by accident. There were little we can change, actually we were unable to notice there’s a need for change without appropriate knowledge. Whether our inherited habits are good or bad, the responsibility falls on our shoulder at the moment we realize it.

The 20/80 rule

The scientific way: If you are willing to spend time monitoring all sorts of data about your body via wearable equipments, then make improvements based on analysis drawn from these data, that’s the most reasonable way aiming a perfect health.

The lazy way: what if I just want to focus on 20% of the effort which can bring 80% of the benefits? Then start with tending the basic aspects of your life. Eating properly, sleep well, may do some exercise.


Any improvements start with observation. That’s what Hyllo can provide. It collects data about your diet, sleep (and maybe more in the future), and your energy level and mood, then help you find possible positive/negative factors influencing your states over different time scales.

Personal facts: Maybe you found in the last month every time you ate salad you wouldn’t feel drowsy in the afternoon. Maybe you found a 6-hour sleep can often make you feel energetic rather than the suggested 8-hour one. What would you do if you found yourself losing more weight when you increase the intake of fat but the media are constantly talking about the danger of eating fat? What would you do if eating oatmeal makes you feel awful but the media told you it’s a healthy food?

The pattern: A visual aid will help you embody the pattern of your life. On the contrary, when you make change to certain aspects, the pattern changes accordingly, telling you if you changed in the right direction.

Collective exploration

Acknowledge the complexity: Fighting against complexity of the world and ourselves needs struggles and knowledge, but acknowledging the complexity then taking a step back to only tending basic aspects of life needs courage.

We know for sure this can absolutely change our life in a positive way, but what aspects and to what extent we need to change, how to make the product better, these are questions we need to explore together. And there’s more responsibility than guarantee in the journey.